The pacific island of Okinawa is situated some 500 miles from the Japanese mainland. Its people have a rich unique culture and the island, under Japanese rule, is known as a popular tourist destination.
Yet a bloody historical legacy has dictated that the people of Okinawa, since 1945, have had to share their island with 50 thousand US servicemen.
Today, allegations of rape, and continuing protests against the US presence, has caused diplomatic tensions between two world powers.
This report gives an insight into Okinawan protesters and their struggle against both their own Japanese state and US military power. This year has seen two trials in Okinawa from alleged US rape incidents. The film also hears from figures from the United States community on the island. Many local Okinawans make their living and wealth from the US bases and they do not all agree with the local protesters.
To see part 1 Click (choose high quality)
To see part 2 click (choose high quality)
Director / Camera: Lisa Cazzato-Vieyra
Okinawa Producer: Shinako Oyakawa
London Producer: Giovanna Stopponi
Exec Producer: Phil Cox